Frequently Asked Questions about Lawn, Tree & Shrub Care
Are lawn care applications harmful to my pets or children?
Green Up’s applications are not harmful to pets or children. All products are applied in accordance with label and government regulations. All applicators are state certified registered technicians or certified applicators. To minimize contact with pesticide, we ask that children and pets be kept off the yard until any spray applications have had sufficient time to dry (typically, one to two hours). Green Up would never make any application that would or could endanger customers, their children, their pets, their landscapes, or our applicators.
How does rainfall affect your applications?
Rainfall during or immediately following an application of fertilizer to the lawn does not negatively affect service applications. Water activates our fertilizers and helps expedite nutrient release to the soil and plants. Sometimes, rainfall may negatively affect post-emergent broadleaf weed control. This is why we offer a no-charge, no-quibble weed control guarantee. If 10 days after an application you still notice weeds in the yard, call our offices for a free re-spraying of weeds in the lawn.
Is Green Up’s work guaranteed?
We guarantee all of our work and will work tirelessly to make the customer happy. If you are unhappy with the service, simply call the office and give us a chance to remedy the problem.
Are all treatments necessary?
Our service is a year-long package of treatments. The products used in each application vary to deliver the precise mixture of nutrients to maximize lawn appearance at the given season.
If I get the service, will my yard be totally weed/insect free?
It is impossible to obtain 100% control of all insects and weeds. Our applications will dramatically minimize the risk of these pests appearing in the yard and damaging the landscape.
Can I pay for the entire year at once?
Yes! Our Pre-Pay Offer, extended at the beginning of every year, allows customers to pay for the entire year’s worth of treatments. As an incentive, Pre-Pay customers receive a discount off the price of every treatment.
Does Green Up offer any discounts?
In addition to the Pre-Pay discount (mentioned above), Green Up offers discounts for senior citizens.
Does Green Up offer mowing services?
No, we do not offer mowing services. However, we know plenty of mowers and would be happy to provide you with their names if you contact our office.
What is Green Up’s cancellation policy?
Our service is continuous from treatment to treatment and year to year. The customer is under no contract or financial obligation to take services they do not want. Customers may cancel at any time for any reason, but must notify our office in writing or by phone of their intentions to cancel.